Saturday, 28 February 2009

Cottage Cheese Griddle Cakes

1 tbsp melted butter
4 oz (100 g) cottage cheese
2 eggs
2 oz (50 g) Self raising flour
1 tbsp milk

  1. Add the melted butter to the cottage cheese and gradually whisk in the eggs (a hand whisk or fork is fine for this).
  2. Stir in the flour and milk, and mix to a smooth thick batter.
  3. Grease the griddle or frying pan.
  4. Heat the griddle or frying pan.
  5. Drop spoonfuls of the mixture onto the griddle. Turn them over with a wooden spatula or with a knife and wooden spoon. They should be golden on both sides by the end.
  6. Serve freshly cooked with crisp hot bacon, honey, jam or jelly.
"These scones are very light and digestible, and particularly good for anyone who does not want much starch in his diet."

Saturday, 14 February 2009

Roast potatoes

Potatoes, at the rate of about 6oz per person.
Goose fat, a dob or two.

  1. Heat the oven to medium or hot.
  2. Peel the potatoes (or leave the skins on if you like). Cut them into even sized pieces.
  3. Put the fat in a roasting tin, and put the tin in the oven to get hot. If you haven't got goose fat, you can use the fat collected from any other roast joint, or roast them round a joint you're roasting for dinner.
  4. Take the tin of fat out of the oven and place the potatoes into the hot fat carefully. Use cooking tongs to turn them over a few times so all sides are coated in fat. If there isn't enough fat to do this you may need to add a bit more, but don't overdo it!
  5. Put the tin in the oven and keep the heat as before, medium to hot.
  6. After about 20 minutes take it out and turn the potatoes with the tongs. You can do this again once more later in the cooking if you like.
  7. The potatoes should be cooked in about 45 minutes to an hour.
  8. Garlic cloves or pine nuts and other root vegetables can be roasted along with the potatoes.

English Muffins

1 lb flour
1 tsp salt

half an ounce of fresh yeast
1 tsp sugar

1 oz butter
1 egg at room temperature
8 fl oz milk
  1. Put the yeast into a cup and add the sugar. Stir them together a bit and then leave them to get excited.
  2. Weigh up the flour into a large bowl and add the salt.
  3. Rub the butter into the flour.
  4. Measure up the milk in a measuring jug and warm it in the microwave to a bit more than lukewarm.
  5. Add the egg to the warm milk and beat them. If the liquid now measures less than half a pint add a little more milk to make it half a pint.
  6. Add this liquid, together with the now excited and liquified yeast mixture, to the flour and mix well together. Get your hands in and knead it to a soft and smooth dough.
  7. Leave the ball of dough in the bowl and put the whole bowl in a plastic bag. Leave it somewhere warm to prove for an hour.
  8. Roll out the dough on a floured surface to about half an inch thick. Cut out muffin sized rounds with the largest pastry cutter or a large tumbler.
  9. Heat the griddle to a good heat and bake the muffins on the griddle for at least 10 minutes each side. NB they are horrid if undercooked! Make sure the griddle is hot before you start.
Serve hot, or cool them on a wire rack and then split them and toast them to serve hot with butter and cheese or jam.