Tuesday, 23 December 2014

Tiffin for coeliacs


8 oz bought gluten free biscuits (doesn't much matter how horrible or tasteless they are; they can be ginger or lemon flavoured or just plain).
4 oz best salted butter
2 tablespoons granulated sugar
2 tablespoons golden syrup
1 tbsp cocoa powder
Some raisins/cherries/nuts/marshmallows/dates/mixed peel or whatever you fancy (not maltesers: they have wheat in them): about a handful of these things or more if you like.
8 oz bar of good chocolate, plain is best.


  1. Put the biscuits into a strong plastic bag and bash them into small pieces with a mallet.
  2. Put the butter, sugar and syrup into a pan and warm them together until melted. 
  3. Add the cocoa and throw in the biscuit pieces and the other bits and pieces.
  4. Mix to a stiff mixture.
  5. Grease a square or oblong tin (small swiss roll tin) or plastic box with good butter, and press the mixture into it. Flatten the top.
  6. Break the chocolate into pieces and put in a small basin. Warm the basin of chocolate in a pan of water, until nicely melted. 
  7. When the chocolate is nice and runny pour it over the warm mixture in the tin, and let it set.
  8. Cool in the fridge. Cut into pieces with a knife.